Variation in the management of isolated craniosynostosis: A survey of the Synostosis Research Group

Synostosis Research Group

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


Objective: The authors created a collaborative network, the Synostosis Research Group (SynRG), to facilitate multicenter clinical research on craniosynostosis. To identify common and differing practice patterns within the network, they assessed the SynRG surgeons' management preferences for sagittal synostosis. These results will be incorporated into planning cooperative studies. Methods: The SynRG consists of 12 surgeons at 5 clinical sites. An email survey was distributed to SynRG surgeons in late 2016, and responses were collected through early 2017. Responses were collated and analyzed descriptively. Results: All of the surgeons-7 plastic/craniofacial surgeons and 5 neurosurgeons-completed the survey. They varied in both experience (1-24 years) and sagittal synostosis case volume in the preceding year (5-45 cases). Three sites routinely perform preoperative CT scans. The preferred surgical technique for children younger than 3 months is strip craniectomy (10/12 surgeons), whereas children older than 6 months are all treated with open cranial vault surgery. Pre-incision cefazolin, preoperative complete blood count panels, and an arterial line were used by most surgeons, but tranexamic acid was used routinely at 3 sites and never at the other 2 sites. Among surgeons performing endoscopic strip craniectomy surgery (SCS), most create a 5-cm-wide craniectomy, whereas 2 surgeons create a 2-cm strip. Four surgeons routinely send endoscopic SCS patients to the intensive care unit after surgery. Two of the 5 sites routinely obtain a CT scan within the 1st year after surgery. Conclusions: The SynRG surgeons vary substantially in the use of imaging, the choice of surgical procedure and technique, and follow-up. A collaborative network will provide the opportunity to study different practice patterns, reduce variation, and contribute multicenter data on the management of children with craniosynostosis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)627-631
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2018


  • Clinical research
  • Cranial vault surgery
  • Craniofacial
  • Craniosynostosis
  • Network
  • Sagittal synostosis
  • Strip craniectomy surgery
  • Survey


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