Value of Imaging Part I: Perspectives for the Academic Radiologist

Phuong Anh T. Duong, Brian Bresnahan, David A. Pastel, Gelareh Sadigh, David Ballard, Joseph C. Sullivan, Karen Buch, Richard Duszak

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


With payers and policymakers increasingly scrutinizing the value of medical imaging, opportunities abound for radiologists and radiology health services researchers to meaningfully and rigorously demonstrate value. Part one of this two-part series on the value of imaging explores the concept of value in health care from the perspective of multiple stakeholders and discusses the opportunities and challenges for radiologists and health service researchers to demonstrate value. The current absence of meaningful national value metrics also presents an opportunity for radiologists to take the lead on the discussions of these metrics that may serve as the basis for future value-based payments. As both practitioners and investigators, radiologists should consider the perspectives of multiple stakeholders in all they do-interdisciplinary support and cooperation are essential to the success of value-focused imaging research and initiatives that improve patient outcomes. Radiology departments that align their cultures, infrastructures, and incentives to support these initiatives will greatly increase their chances of being successful in these endeavors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)18-22
Number of pages5
JournalAcademic radiology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2016


  • Comparative effectiveness
  • Health services research
  • Imaging
  • Radiology
  • Value of imaging


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