Use of POCUS in the Diagnosis of Paradoxical Vocal Cord Movement

Susan M. Wiltrakis, Peter Gutierrez, J. Kate Deanehan

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


Point-of-care ultrasound has been instrumental in allowing providers to make prompt diagnoses at the bedside but has been historically underutilized for the diagnosis of upper airway processes, including paradoxical vocal fold motion (PVFM), also known as vocal cord dysfunction. PVFM is characterized by adduction of the vocal cords during inspiration, resulting in stridor and shortness of breath. This case report describes a teenage girl who presented to the pediatric emergency department (ED) with difficulty breathing. Point-of-care ultrasound diagnosed PVFM, which was confirmed with bedside flexible laryngoscopy by otorhinolaryngology (ENT) in the ED.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)E1085-E1086
JournalPediatric emergency care
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 1 2022


  • Paroxysmal vocal fold motion
  • Point-of-care ultrasound
  • Vocal cord dysfunction


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