Treatment of distal radius fractures

David M. Lichtman, Randipsingh R. Bindra, Martin I. Boyer, Matthew D. Putnam, David Ring, David J. Slutsky, John S. Taras, William C. Watters, Michael J. Goldberg, Michael Keith, Charles M. Turkelson, Janet L. Wies, Robert H. Haralson, Kevin M. Boyer, Kristin Hitchcock, Laura Raymond

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224 Scopus citations


The clinical practice guideline is based on a systematic review of published studies on the treatment of distal radius fractures in adults. None of the 29 recommendations made by the work group was graded as strong; most are graded as inconclusive or consensus; seven are graded as weak. The remaining five moderate-strength recommendations include surgical fixation, rather than cast fixation, for fractures with postreduction radial shortening >3 mm, dorsal tilt >10°, or intra-articular displacement or step-off >2 mm; use of rigid immobilization rather than removable splints for nonsurgical treatment; making a postreduction true lateral radiograph of the carpus to assess dorsal radial ulnar joint alignment; beginning early wrist motion following stable fixation; and recommending adjuvant treatment with vitamin C to prevent disproportionate pain.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)180-189
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2010


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