Treadmill training and overground gait: Decision making for a toddler with spina bifida

Victoria A. Moerchen, Mohammad Habibi, Kelly A. Lynett, Jeffrey D. Konrad, Heather L. Hoefakker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Background and Purpose: This case report describes a decision-making process that was used to progress a home-based intervention that coupled treadmill and walker stepping for a preambulatory toddler with spina bifida. Case Description: The toddler in this report had an L4-L5 level lesion, and began this home-based intervention at 18 months of age when she was pulling to stand. Intervention: The intervention included parameters for treadmill stepping that prepared this toddler for gait with orthotics and was progressed to overground walking with a walker using a decision-making algorithm based on data obtained from a parent log and coded video. Outcomes: This toddler progressed from not stepping at the start of the study to ambulating 150 m with a walker at age 23 months, after 18 weeks of this intervention. Discussion and conclusion: The intervention and decision-making process used in this study were family centered and may be applicable to gait intervention with other populations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-61
Number of pages9
JournalPediatric Physical Therapy
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2011


  • ambulation
  • case study
  • decision making
  • family centered care
  • gait/physiology
  • infant
  • longitudinal studies
  • lumbar vertebrae
  • meningomyelocele/physiopathology
  • meningomyelocele/psychology
  • meningomyelocele/rehabilitation
  • motor activity/physiology
  • muscle contraction/physiology
  • orthoses
  • transfer of training
  • walkers


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