The role of resting state networks in focal neocortical seizures

S. Kathleen Bandt, David T. Bundy, Ammar H. Hawasli, Kareem W. Ayoub, Mohit Sharma, Carl D. Hacker, Mrinal Pahwa, Eric C. Leuthardt

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18 Scopus citations


Methods: Using data taken from invasively monitored patients with intractable focal neocortical epilepsy, we evaluated network connectivity (as determined by oscillatory covariance of the slow cortical potential (,0.5 Hz)) as it relates to neocortical seizure foci both in the interictal and ictal states.

Objective: The role of resting state functional networks in epilepsy is incompletely understood. While some pathologic diagnoses have been shown to have maintained but altered resting state connectivity, others have implicated resting state connectivity in disease progression. However little is known about how these resting state networks influence the behavior of a focal neocortical seizure.

Results: Similar to what has been shown in the past for sleep and anesthesia, electophysiologic resting state networks that are defined by this slow cortical potential covariance maintain their topographic correlation structure throughout an ictal event. Moreover, in the context of focal epilepsy in which the seizure has a specific site of onset, seizure propagation is not chaotic or random. Rather, the seizure (reflected by an elevation of high frequency power) preferentially propagates along the network that contains the seizure onset zone.

Significance: Taken together, these findings further undergird the fundamental role of resting state networks, provide novel insights into the network-influenced behavior of seizures, and potentially identify additional targets for surgical disconnection including informing the location for the completion of multiple subpial transections (MSPTs).

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere107401
JournalPloS one
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 23 2014


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