
The complement system is a family of proteins that facilitate immune resistance by attacking microbes to decrease pathogen burden. As a result, deficiencies of certain complement proteins result in recurrent bacterial infections, and can also result in acute lung injury (ALI). We and others have shown that C3 is present in both immune and nonimmune cells, and modulates cellular functions such as metabolism, differentiation, cytokine production, and survival. Although the emerging roles of the complement system have implications for host responses to ALI, key questions remain vis-a-vis the lung epithelium. In this review, we summarize our recent article in which we reported that during Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced ALI, lung epithelial cell-derived C3 operates independent of liver-derived C3. Specifically, we report the use of a combination of human cell culture systems and global as well as conditional knockout mouse models to demonstrate the centrality of lung epithelial cell-derived C3. We also summarize recent articles that have interrogated the role of intracellular and/or locally derived C3 in host defense. We propose that C3 is a highly attractive candidate for enhancing tissue resilience in lung injury as it facilitates the survival and function of the lung epithelium, a key cell type that promotes barrier function.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)153-157
Number of pages5
JournalDNA and cell biology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1 2024


  • complement
  • lung injury
  • pneumonia


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