
The slow oscillation (SO) is a cortical quasi-periodic excitatory neural wave during NREM sleep. We use wide field GCaMP6 imaging with behavioral state staging to define the SO as a superposition onto ongoing intrinsic activity.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationClinical and Translational Biophotonics, TRANSLATIONAL 2018
PublisherOptica Publishing Group (formerly OSA)
ISBN (Print)9781943580415
StatePublished - 2018
EventClinical and Translational Biophotonics, TRANSLATIONAL 2018 - Hollywood, United States
Duration: Apr 3 2018Apr 6 2018

Publication series

NameOptics InfoBase Conference Papers
VolumePart F91-TRANSLATIONAL 2018
ISSN (Electronic)2162-2701


ConferenceClinical and Translational Biophotonics, TRANSLATIONAL 2018
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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