The psychometrics of the European Portuguese version of the temperament and character inventory- revised

Paulo A.S. Moreira, Claude Robert Cloninger, Maria José Rocha, João Tiago Oliveira, Noémia Ferreira, Daniel Maffasioli Gonçalves, Sándor Rózsa

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    11 Scopus citations


    Cloninger’s psychobiological model of personality integrates contributions from behavioral genetics, neurobiology, and psychology in the description of the human personality. The temperament and character inventory (TCI) is its assessment instrument. The Brazilian Portuguese version of the TCI has shown good psychometric properties. However, Portuguese spoken in Brazil presents marked and substantial differences to that spoken in Portugal, and no study has yet described the psychometrics of the European Portuguese version. The objective of this study was thus to describe the psychometric properties of the European Portuguese adult version of the TCI (the temperament and character inventory-revised (TCI-R)). This study involved 1400 Portuguese adult participants. The factorial structure of the European Portuguese version was tested using four methods: exploratory factor analysis, orthogonal procrustes rotation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and exploratory structural equation modeling. The integration of data coming from these methods suggested that the Portuguese version of the TCI-R presented good structural validity (as revealed by the emergence of the temperament and character structures predicted by theory) and high levels of congruence between the American and the Portuguese versions. An improvement in the goodness of fit of the models for the Portuguese population was achieved by using exploratory structural equation modeling over confirmatory factor analysis. Although some facets registered questionable consistency, all dimensions had acceptable to good consistency (all ≥.79). These results confirm the validity of the Portuguese TCI-R and its adequacy for use in European Portuguese samples.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1178-1199
    Number of pages22
    JournalPsychological reports
    Issue number6
    StatePublished - Dec 2017


    • Personality
    • Portuguese
    • Psychobiological
    • Psychometric properties
    • Temperament and character inventory-revised


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