3 Scopus citations


Biallelic nonsense mutations of SYNE1 underlie a variable array of cerebellar and non-cerebellar pathologies of unknown molecular etiology. SYNE1 encodes multiple isoforms of Nesprin1 that associate with the nuclear envelope, with large cerebellar synapses and with ciliary rootlets of photoreceptors. Using two novel mouse models, we determined the expression pattern of Nesprin1 isoforms in the cerebellum whose integrity and functions are invariably affected by SYNE1 mutations. We further show that a giant isoform of Nesprin1 associates with the ciliary rootlets of ependymal cells that line brain ventricles and establish that this giant ciliary isoform of Nesprin1 harbors a KASH domain. Whereas cerebellar phenotypes are not recapitulated in Nes1gSTOP/STOP mice, these mice display a significant increase of ventricular volume. Together, these data fuel novel hypotheses about the molecular pathogenesis of SYNE1 mutations and support that KASH proteins may localize beyond the nuclear envelope in vivo.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)82-91
Number of pages10
JournalNeurobiology of Disease
StatePublished - Jul 2018


  • ARCA1
  • Brain ventricles
  • Cerebellar ataxia
  • Ciliary rootlets
  • Ependymal cells
  • KASH
  • Nesprin1
  • SCAR8
  • SYNE1


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