The effects of proximal load on the excursion of autogenous flexor tendon grafts

R. J. Bischoff, S. Morifusa, R. H. Gelberman, S. C. Winters, Y. Woo, J. G. Seiller

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7 Scopus citations


To determine the relationship between the intrinsic properties of tendon and tendon excursion in 2 types of autogenous tendon grafts, hindpaw intrasynovial and extrasynovial tendons were transferred to the lateral and medial forepaws of adult mongrel dogs (16 experimental and 16 control tendons). After each digit was marked with radiopaque markers, it was placed in a specialized jig, and weights of 25 g, 100 g, or 200 g were applied to the flexor tendons. Specialized radiographs were obtained with the digit in flexion and extension. Tendon excursion and joint rotation were calculated. There were no statistically significant differences between experimental groups for tendon excursion or for joint angular rotation (p > .05). For intrasynovial tendon grafts, the angular rotation per millimeter tendon excursion was 10.9°± 2.4°/mm, 9.4°± 1.2°/mm, and 9.0°± 1.4°/mm with 25-g, 100-g, and 200-g loads, respectively. Comparisons between experimental groups revealed that a statistically significant difference could not be determined (p > .05). With varying proximal loads, both intrasynovial and extrasynovial grafts showed similar amounts of tendon excursion. Variations in proximal load did not significantly influence the amount of excursion within the range of loads tested. Based on these data, it appears that the difference in repair potential for these 2 types of tendon grafts is not related to a differential in the amount of tendon graft excursion following transfer to the synovial space.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)285-289
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Hand Surgery
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1998


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