The American College of Critical Care Medicine Clinical Practice Parameters for Hemodynamic Support of Pediatric and Neonatal Septic Shock: Executive Summary

Alan L. Davis, Joseph A. Carcillo, Rajesh K. Aneja, Andreas J. Deymann, John C. Lin, Trung C. Nguyen, Regina S. Okhuysen-Cawley, Monica S. Relvas, Ranna A. Rozenfeld, Peter W. Skippen, Bonnie J. Stojadinovic, Eric A. Williams, Tim S. Yeh, Fran Balamuth, Joe Brierley, Allan R. De Caen, Ira M. Cheifetz, Karen Choong, Edward Conway, Timothy CornellAllan Doctor, Marc Andre Dugas, Jonathan D. Feldman, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Heidi R. Flori, James D. Fortenberry, Ana Lia Graciano, Bruce M. Greenwald, Mark W. Hall, Yong Yun Han, Lynn J. Hernan, Jose E. Irazuzta, Elizabeth Iselin, Elise W. Van Der Jagt, Howard E. Jeffries, Saraswati Kache, Chhavi Katyal, Niranjan Kissoon, Alexander A. Kon, Martha C. Kutko, Graeme Maclaren, Timothy Maul, Renuka Mehta, Fola Odetola, Kristine Parbuoni, Raina Paul, Mark J. Peters, Suchitra Ranjit, Karin E. Reuter-Rice, Eduardo J. Schnitzler, Halden F. Scott, Adalberto Torres, Jacki Weingarten-Abrams, Scott L. Weiss, Jerry J. Zimmerman, Aaron L. Zuckerberg

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71 Scopus citations


Dr. Davis served as an expert witness regarding a patient who herniated postoperatively. Dr. Aneja received funding from UpToDate royalties. Dr. Relvas participates in AAP PrepICU (editorial board member). Dr. Williams participates in American Academy of Pediatrics (guidelines committee work). Dr. Yeh participates in American Academy of Pediatrics (guidelines committee work). Dr. Brierley received funding from Astellas Pharmaceuticals Speakers Bureau (regarding antifungals in the ICU). He participates as a member in the American Academy of Pediatrics, Academic Pediatric Association, and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. Dr. de Caen participates in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the American Heart Association. Dr. Cheifetz received funding from Philips (medical advisor) and Ikaria (medical advisor). He participates in various volunteer activities for AARC and ATS, and he has served as an expert witness for testimony for medical malpractice cases. Dr. Choong participates as an Executive Member of the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group and is an employee of the Hamilton Health Sciences. Dr. Conway participates as Chair of Section on Pediatric Critical Care Medicine for the AAP. He has served as an expert witness for pediatric Critical Care Medicine/ED defense cases. Dr. Cornwell received grant funding from the Coulter Foundation. He participates in the Society of Pediatric Research. Dr. Doctor received funding from consulting for Novartis, Galera Pharmaceuticals, and Terumo BCT. Dr. Fortenberry participates in AAP, Extracorporeal Life Support Organization. He served as an expert witness for review of PICU cases and testimony in support of physicians providing PICU care. Dr. Greenwald served as an expert witness for testimony regarding course of illness and risk of mortality. Dr. Hall serves as the Editor for the ATS Online Journal Club. Dr. Irazuzta participates in the National Institutes of Health. Dr. van der Jagt received grant funding from University of Rochester (employee/faculty). She participates in NYS Emergency Medical Services for Children Advisory Committee (Vice-Chair), University of Rochester School of Medicine (faculty), AHA Pediatric Advanced Life Support Advanced Life Support Writing Group (member), IPSO National Expert Advisory Committee (member), FAAP, Sr. Fellow Society of Hospital Medicine, and Fellow College of Pediatricians. Dr. Jeffries participates in AAP, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society, and ACC. Dr. Kache participates on the Global health Educators Committee In Association of Pediatric Program Directors and on the Global Health Education Subcomittee in Consortium of Universities for Global Health. Dr. Kon participates as the President-elect for the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. He disclosed that he is a government employee. He has served as an expert witness for pediatric critical care and bioethics. Dr. Maclaren received funding from UpToDate (royalties). He participates in the Asia-pacific Chapter of ELSO (Chair) and the Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Society (Vice President). Dr. Maul received funding from consulting for Mallinkrodt, Thoratec, and Alung. He received grant funding. He participates in ASAIO (editor) and ELSO (committee member). Dr. Odetola participates as a member of the Sub-Board of Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Pediatrics. Dr. Parbuoni participates in the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and California Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Dr. Reuter-Rice received funding from J & B Learning (textbook royalties). She received grant funding from RWJK. She participates in PNCB-IPN, AAN, and ISONG. Dr. Schnitzler participates in Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva, Sociedad Argentina de Calidad en Asistencia Sanitaria, and Instituto Técnico de Acreditación de Establecimientos Sanitarios. Dr. Torres received funding from Abbott Point of Care (speaker). He served as an expert witness for the defense paid for his time. Dr. Weiss received funding from honoraria to grand rounds lectures from Thermo Fisher Scientific (but content of lecture was solely his own responsibility). He participates in AAP and Shock Society. The remaining authors have disclosed that they do not have any potential conflicts of interest. The American College of Critical Care Medicine (ACCM), which honors individuals for their achievements and contributions to multidisciplinary critical care medicine, is the consultative body of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) that possesses recognized expertise in the practice of critical care. The College has developed administrative guidelines and clinical practice parameters for the critical care practitioner. New guidelines and practice parameters are continually developed, and current ones are systematically reviewed and revised.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)884-890
Number of pages7
JournalPediatric Critical Care Medicine
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 1 2017


  • hemodynamics
  • newborn
  • pediatric
  • septic shock


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