Testing an Automated Approach to Identify Variation in Outcomes among Children with Type 1 Diabetes across Multiple Sites

Jessica Addison, Hanieh Razzaghi, Charles Bailey, Kimberley Dickinson, Sarah D. Corathers, David M. Hartley, Levon Utidjian, Adam C. Carle, Erinn T. Rhodes, G. Todd Alonso, Michael J. Haller, Anthony W. Gannon, Justin A. Indyk, Ana Maria Arbeláez, Elizabeth Shenkman, Christopher B. Forrest, Daniel Eckrich, Brianna Magnusen, Sara Deakyne Davies, Kathleen E. Walsh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Efficient methods to obtain and benchmark national data are needed to improve comparative quality assessment for children with type 1 diabetes (T1D). PCORnet is a network of clinical data research networks whose infrastructure includes standardization to a Common Data Model (CDM) incorporating electronic health record (EHR)-derived data across multiple clinical institutions. The study aimed to determine the feasibility of the automated use of EHR data to assess comparative quality for T1D. Methods: In two PCORnet networks, PEDSnet and OneFlorida, the study assessed measures of glycemic control, diabetic ketoacidosis admissions, and clinic visits in 2016-2018 among youth 0-20 years of age. The study team developed measure EHR-based specifications, identified institution-specific rates using data stored in the CDM, and assessed agreement with manual chart review. Results: Among 9,740 youth with T1D across 12 institutions, one quarter (26%) had two or more measures of A1c greater than 9% annually (min 5%, max 47%). The median A1c was 8.5% (min site 7.9, max site 10.2). Overall, 4% were hospitalized for diabetic ketoacidosis (min 2%, max 8%). The predictive value of the PCORnet CDM was >75% for all measures and >90% for three measures. Conclusions: Using EHR-derived data to assess comparative quality for T1D is a valid, efficient, and reliable data collection tool for measuring T1D care and outcomes. Wide variations across institutions were observed, and even the best-performing institutions often failed to achieve the American Diabetes Association HbA1C goals (<7.5%).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)E602
JournalPediatric Quality and Safety
Issue number5
StatePublished - Sep 8 2022


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