Technical Note: A method for quality assurance of landmark sets for use in evaluation of deformable image registration accuracy of lung parenchyma

Christopher L. Guy, Elisabeth Weiss, Nuzhat Jan, Gary E. Christensen, Geoffrey D. Hugo

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1 Scopus citations


Purpose: To develop a quality control method to improve the accuracy of corresponding landmark sets used for deformable image registration (DIR) evaluation in the lung parenchyma. Methods: An iterative workflow was developed as a method for quality assurance of landmark sets. Starting with the initial landmark set for a given image pair, a landmark-based deformation was applied to one of the images. A difference image and a color overlay were generated using the deformed image and the other image of the pair. Inspection of these generated images at locations of landmarks allowed for the identification of misplaced landmarks. The observer responsible for creating the initial landmark set was tasked with review and revision of points flagged by the quality assurance procedure. Using the updated landmark sets, the process was repeated until all points were acceptable to the reviewer. Results: Eighteen landmark sets, containing a mean (SD) of 170 (31) landmarks, were created using CT images from non-small cell lung cancer patients exhibiting large geometric changes and atelectasis resolution, making landmark specification challenging. Following the quality assurance procedure, the final landmark sets contained a mean (SD) of 165 (25) landmarks, as points too difficult to match were removed and points were added to regions deficient in landmarks. For landmark sets in which changes were made, maximum and mean differences in landmark positions before and after quality assurance ranged between 8.7–81.5 mm and 0.3–9.6 mm, respectively. Conclusions: An effective method for improving the accuracy of landmark correspondence was presented. This quality assurance approach enables more accurate evaluation of DIR for lung parenchyma in clinical image pairs in the absence of a ground truth deformation and may be applicable to other feature-rich anatomical sites.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)766-773
Number of pages8
JournalMedical physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2019


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