Symposium on fresh whole blood for severe hemorrhagic shock: From in-hospital to far forward resuscitations

Philip C. Spinella, Geir Strandenes, Erling Bekkestad Rein, Jerard Seghatchian, Tor Hervig

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


This report is prepared for The Hemostasis and Oxygenation Research (THOR) Network and based on presentations of invited THOR investigators. In order to make it available to a larger group of interested readers it has been agreed to publish the report in TRASCI, as a "what is happening?" in view of its importance and novelty. On June 14th 2011 the first symposium on fresh whole blood (FWB) was held in Bergen, Norway. THOR network leadership, which includes Tor Hervig, PhD, MD, Geir Strandenes, MD, Erling Bekkestad Rein, MD, and Philip C. Spinella, MD, organized the event. It was sponsored by the Royal Norwegian Navy Medical Service, Norwegian Armed Forces Medical Services and Caridian BCT. The objective of this meeting was to bring together investigators from around the world who are interested in analyzing the efficacy and safety of FWB for patients with severe traumatic hemorrhagic shock and to determine the initial steps in developing a research program in this area. The THOR network is specifically interested in determining if FWB can improve morbidity and mortality in combat casualties with life threatening hemorrhagic shock. A three-year research proposal has been developed by the THOR network to determine (1) if FWB donation adversely affects donor performance of combat related skills, (2) the optimal storage solution, temperature, and acceptable storage duration for FWB, (3) the logistics of providing FWB in a combat environment safely to include optimal transport and administration methods. The symposium speakers were tasked with reviewing current data on; coagulopathy associated with massive traumatic bleeding, immunology of transfusion, outcomes associated with FWB use, logistic and medical issues of the use of FWB in far forward situations, training required for medics on FWB collection and administration, the risks of FWB and stored blood components and methods to mitigate these risks. The meeting concluded with a discussion of the THOR network's three-year research program.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-117
Number of pages5
JournalTransfusion and Apheresis Science
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 2012


  • Combat
  • Hemorrhagic shock
  • Immunomodulation
  • Mortality
  • Survival
  • Transfusion
  • Whole blood


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