Surgical management of eyelid lesions in adult-onset asthma and periocular xanthogranuloma

Matthew C. Santos, Priya Kalyam, Steven M. Couch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Medical therapy is the mainstay of initial treatment for periocular xanthogranulomas. Here we depict surgical management of biopsy-proven adult-onset asthma and periocular xanthogranuloma (AAPOX). This 27-year-old female presented with seven years of progressive bilateral periorbital swelling, weight gain, and severe asthma refractory to immunosuppressive therapy including methotrexate, rituximab, and cyclophosphamide. Pre-operative and post-operative photos show excellent resolution of lesions. Orbitotomy with excision involved an upper eyelid crease incision marked at 9 mm centrally. A flap was dissected between the skin and orbicularis-involving xanthogranuloma, extended superiorly to orbital rim and laterally and medially until normal orbicularis was encountered. The xanthogranuloma was excised en-bloc. Infiltrated preaponeurotic fat and portions of the orbital lobe of the lacrimal gland were resected. After achieving hemostasis, the skin was closed with 6–0 polypropylene suture. Surgical pathology was consistent with the diagnosis of AAPOX.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)664-665
Number of pages2
JournalOrbit (London)
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2022


  • Periocular xanthogranuloma
  • adult-onset asthma and periocular xanthogranuloma
  • periorbital mass excision


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