Standard operating procedure for curation and clinical interpretation of variants in cancer

Arpad M. Danos, Kilannin Krysiak, Erica K. Barnell, Adam C. Coffman, Joshua F. McMichael, Susanna Kiwala, Nicholas C. Spies, Lana M. Sheta, Shahil P. Pema, Lynzey Kujan, Kaitlin A. Clark, Amber Z. Wollam, Shruti Rao, Deborah I. Ritter, Dmitriy Sonkin, Gordana Raca, Wan Hsin Lin, Cameron J. Grisdale, Raymond H. Kim, Alex H. WagnerSubha Madhavan, Malachi Griffith, Obi L. Griffith

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


Manually curated variant knowledgebases and their associated knowledge models are serving an increasingly important role in distributing and interpreting variants in cancer. These knowledgebases vary in their level of public accessibility, and the complexity of the models used to capture clinical knowledge. CIViC (Clinical Interpretation of Variants in Cancer - is a fully open, free-to-use cancer variant interpretation knowledgebase that incorporates highly detailed curation of evidence obtained from peer-reviewed publications and meeting abstracts, and currently holds over 6300 Evidence Items for over 2300 variants derived from over 400 genes. CIViC has seen increased adoption by, and also undertaken collaboration with, a wide range of users and organizations involved in research. To enhance CIViC's clinical value, regular submission to the ClinVar database and pursuit of other regulatory approvals is necessary. For this reason, a formal peer reviewed curation guideline and discussion of the underlying principles of curation is needed. We present here the CIViC knowledge model, standard operating procedures (SOP) for variant curation, and detailed examples to support community-driven curation of cancer variants.

Original languageEnglish
Article number76
JournalGenome medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - Nov 29 2019


  • Cancer
  • Curation
  • Knowledgebase
  • Standard operating procedure
  • Variant


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