Similarities and differences in factors associated with high and low sedentary behavior after stroke: a mixed methods study

Emily A. Kringle, Jessica Kersey, Megan A. Lewis, Bethany Barone Gibbs, Elizabeth R. Skidmore

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1 Scopus citations


Purpose: To identify similarities and differences in factors affecting activity engagement between adults with stroke who are more and less sedentary. Materials and methods: Data were pooled from two studies of adults with stroke (N = 36). Sedentary time was measured activPAL micro3. Participants completed activPAL interviews, which were analyzed using framework analysis. Participants were stratified into more and less sedentary groups based on activPAL data. Between-group similarities and differences were identified. Results: Adults with stroke (mean [SD] age = 65.8 [13.6] years, stroke chronicity = 40.5 [SD = 38.3] months, 36.1% female) were more sedentary (785.5 [64.7] sedentary minutes/day) and less sedentary (583.6 [87.4] sedentary minutes/day). Those who were more sedentary: engaged in basic activities of daily living, avoided activities, received assistance from other people, and did not use strategies to overcome barriers. Those who were less sedentary: engaged in instrumental and community activities, embraced new strategies, did activities with other people, and used strategies to overcome environmental barriers. Conclusions: Factors affecting activity engagement differed between people who are more and less sedentary. Interventions that aim to reduce post-stroke sedentary behavior should consider the: (1) types of activities, (2) role of other people, and (2) application of strategies to overcome activity and environment-related barriers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)469-477
Number of pages9
JournalDisability and rehabilitation
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2025


  • Free-living physical activity
  • environment
  • sedentary behavior
  • social support
  • stroke


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