Revisiting abdominal wall “morbidity” of the extensile anterolateral approach to the thoracolumbar spine

Alekos A. Theologis, Andrew P. Collins, Kanwar Parhar, Munish C. Gupta

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Purpose: To assess patients’ perceptions of their abdominal wall following extensile anterolateral approaches to the thoracolumbar spine for adult spinal deformity (ASD) using validated questionnaires. Methods: Adults who underwent anterior–posterior thoracolumbar spinal operations to the pelvis for ASD in which the anterior fusion was performed through an extensile anterolateral approach were reviewed. Three questionnaires were administered at least 1 year following surgery and included The Abdominal Core Health Quality Collaborative Survey (AHS-QC), The Patient Scar Assessment Scale (PSAS), and The Anterior Abdominal Incision Questionnaire (AAIQ). Results: Fifty-one patients (80.4% female, median age 65 years) were included. Average follow-up was 2.8 ± 1.7 years. Average number of anterior fusion levels was 3.5 ± 1.4. Patients achieved high satisfaction rates from surgery (74.5%). AAIQ responses included postoperative pain (33.3%), bulging (41.7%), and limitations in daily activities (18.8%) with only 15.7% experienced moderate–severe pain related to their incisions and only 6.3% seeking treatment for their scars. Post-operatively, 63.2% had a neutral or improved self-image of their torso and trunk, while only 10.2% stating it was much worse. Patients’ overall opinion of their scar compared to their normal skin was very positive [average 2.75 ± 2.93 (10 = worst possible scar)]. Favorable scores were also reported for color difference, stiffness, change in thickness, and irregularity in their abdominal scar compared to normal skin. Conclusions: Following extensile anterolateral approaches to the thoracolumbar spine for ASD, the majority of patients reported mild pain, mild functional limitations, good cosmesis, and high satisfaction rates with their anterior incisions based on validated questionnaires.

Original languageEnglish
JournalSpine deformity
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • Anterior lumbar interbody fusion
  • Anterolateral approach
  • Lumbar spine
  • Morbidity
  • Patient-reported outcome measures
  • Retroperitoneal


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