Results of a prospective study of acute liver failure at 17 tertiary care centers in the United States
George Ostapowicz, Robert J. Fontana, Frank V. Schioødt, Anne Larson, Timothy J. Davern, Steven H.B. Han, Timothy M. McCashland, A. Obaid Shakil, J. Eileen Hay, Linda Hynan, Jeffrey S. Crippin, Andres T. Blei, Grace Samuel, Joan Reisch, William M. Lee, Raj Santyanarayana, Cary Caldwell, Lawton Shick, Nathan Bass, Smita RouillardEvren Atillasoy, Steven Flamm, Kent G. Benner, Hugo R. Rosen, Paul Martin, Risë Stribling, Eugene R. Schiff, Maria B. Torres, Victor Navarro, Brendan McGuire, Raymond Chung, Diane Abraczinskas, Jules Dienstag
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