Results from four rounds of ovarian cancer screening in a randomized trial

Edward Partridge, Aimee R. Kreimer, Robert T. Greenlee, Craig Williams, Jian Lun Xu, Timothy R. Church, Bruce Kessel, Christine C. Johnson, Joel L. Weissfeld, Claudine Isaacs, Gerald L. Andriole, Sheryl Ogden, Lawrence R. Ragard, Saundra S. Buys

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229 Scopus citations


OBJECTIVE:: To test whether annual screening with transvaginal ultrasonography and CA 125 reduces ovarian cancer mortality. METHODS:: Data from the first four annual screens, denoted T0-T3, are reported. A CA 125 value at or above 35 units/mL or an abnormality on transvaginal ultrasonography was considered a positive screen. Diagnostic follow-up of positive screens was performed at the discretion of participants' physicians. Diagnostic procedures and cancers were tracked and verified through medical records. RESULTS:: Among 34,261 screening arm women without prior oophorectomy, compliance with screening ranged from 83.1% (T0) to 77.6% (T3). Screen positivity rates declined slightly with transvaginal ultrasonography, from 4.6 at T0 to 2.9-3.4 at T1-T3; CA 125 positivity rates (range 1.4-1.8%) showed no time trend. Eighty-nine invasive ovarian or peritoneal cancers were diagnosed; 60 were screen detected. The positive predictive value (PPV) and cancer yield per 10,000 women screened on the combination of tests were similar across screening rounds (range 1.0-1.3% for PPV and 4.7-6.2 for yield); however, the biopsy (surgery) rate among screen positives decreased from 34% at T0 to 15-20% at T1-T3. The overall ratio of surgeries to screen-detected cancers was 19.5:1. Seventy-two percent of screen-detected cases were late stage (III/IV). CONCLUSION:: Through four screening rounds, the ratio of surgeries to screen-detected cancers was high, and most cases were late stage. However, the effect of screening on mortality is as yet unknown.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)775-782
Number of pages8
JournalObstetrics and gynecology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2009


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