Release of CHK-2 from PPM-1.D anchorage schedules meiotic entry

Antoine Baudrimont, Dimitra Paouneskou, Ariz Mohammad, Raffael Lichtenberger, Joshua Blundon, Yumi Kim, Markus Hartl, Sebastian Falk, Tim Schedl, Verena Jantsch

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2 Scopus citations


Transition from the stem/progenitor cell fate to meiosis is mediated by several redundant posttranscriptional regulatory pathways in Caenorhabditis elegans. Interfering with all three branches causes tumorous germ lines. SCFPROM-1 comprises one branch and mediates a scheduled degradation step at entry into meiosis. prom-1 mutants show defects in the timely initiation of meiotic prophase I events, resulting in high rates of embryonic lethality. Here, we identify the phosphatase PPM-1.D/Wip1 as crucial substrate for PROM-1. We report that PPM-1.D antagonizes CHK-2 kinase, a key regulator for meiotic prophase initiation, including DNA double-strand breaks, chromosome pairing, and synaptonemal complex formation. We propose that PPM-1.D controls the amount of active CHK-2 via both catalytic and noncatalytic activities; notably, noncatalytic regulation seems to be crucial at meiotic entry. PPM-1.D sequesters CHK-2 at the nuclear periphery, and programmed SCFPROM-1–mediated degradation of PPM-1.D liberates the kinase and promotes meiotic entry.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbereabl8861
JournalScience Advances
Issue number7
StatePublished - Feb 2022


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