Regional ventilation changes in severe asthma after bronchial thermoplasty with 3He MR imaging and CT

Robert P. Thomen, Ajay Sheshadri, James D. Quirk, Jim Kozlowski, Henry D. Ellison, Rhonda D. Szczesniak, Mario Castro, Jason C. Woods

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

115 Scopus citations


Materials and With approval of the local institutional review board, in-Methods: formed consent, and an Investigational New Drug Exemption, six healthy volunteers and 10 patients with severe asthma were imaged in compliance with HIPAA regulations by using both multidetector CT and 3He MR imaging. Individual bronchopulmonary segments were labeled voxel by voxel from the CT images and then registered to the 3He MR images by using custom software. The 3He signal intensity was then analyzed by evaluating the volume-weighted fraction of total-lung signal intensity present in each segment (segmental ventilation percentage [SVP]) and by identifying the whole-lung defect percentage and the segmental defect percentage. Of the 10 patients with asthma, seven received treatment with bronchial ther-moplasty and were imaged with 3He MR a second time. Changes in segmental defect percentages and whole-lung defect percentages are presented.

Purpose: To quantify regional lung ventilation in healthy volunteers and patients with severe asthma (both before and after thermoplasty) by using a combination of helium 3 (3He) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and computed tomography (CT), with the intention of developing more effective image-guided treatments for obstructive lung diseases.

Results: Ventilation measures for healthy volunteers yielded smaller segment-to-segment variation (mean SVP, 100% ± 18 [standard deviation]) than did the measures for patients with severe asthma (mean SVP, 97% ± 23). Patients with asthma also demonstrated larger segmental defect percentages (median, 13.5%; interquartile range, 8.9%-17.8%) than healthy volunteers (median, 6%; interquartile range, 5.6%-6.3%). These quantitative results confirm what is visually observed on the 3He images. A Spearman correlation of r = 20.82 was found between the change in whole-lung defect percentage and the number of days between final treatment and second 3He imaging.

Conclusion: Regional quantification of lung ventilation is indeed feasible and may be a useful technique for image-guided treatment of obstructive lung diseases, such as bronchial ther-moplasty for severe asthma. In these patients, ventilation defects decreased as a function of time after treatment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)250-259
Number of pages10
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 1 2015


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