Psychosocial support for youth living with HIV

Jaime Martinez, Rana Chakraborty, Grace M. Aldrovandi, Ellen Gould Chadwick, Ellen Rae Cooper, Athena Kourtis, Elizabeth Montgomery Collins, Kenneth L. Dominguez, Lynne M. Mofenson, Gordon E. Schutze, Anjie Emanuel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


This clinical report provides guidance for the pediatrician in addressing the psychosocial needs of adolescents and young adults living with HIV, which can improve linkage to care and adherence to life-saving antiretroviral (ARV) therapy. Recent national case surveillance data for youth (defined here as adolescents and young adults 13 to 24 years of age) revealed that the burden of HIV/AIDS fell most heavily and disproportionately on African American youth, particularly males having sex with males. To effectively increase linkage to care and sustain adherence to therapy, interventions should address the immediate drivers of ARV compliance and also address factors that provide broader social and structural support for HIV-infected adolescents and young adults. Interventions should address psychosocial development, including lack of future orientation, inadequate educational attainment and limited health literacy, failure to focus on the long-term consequences of near-term risk behaviors, and coping ability. Associated challenges are closely linked to the structural environment. Individual case management is essential to linkage to and retention in care, ARV adherence, and management of associated comorbidities. Integrating these skills into pediatric and adolescent HIV practice in a medical home setting is critical, given the alarming increase in new HIV infections in youth in the United States.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)558-562
Number of pages5
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2014


  • Antiretroviral therapy
  • HIV
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychosocial support
  • Youth


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