Proximity of the Popliteal Artery to the PCL During Simulated Knee Arthroscopy

Dennis E. Kramer, Michael S. Bahk, William G. Totty, Matthew J. Matava, Andrew J. Cosgarea

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41 Scopus citations


This study defines the sagittal distance from the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) to the popliteal artery under simulated arthroscopic conditions. This information is relevant for posterior knee arthros-copy, particularly for the safe establishment of the posterior trans-septal portal. Measurements from the PCL to the popliteal artery were made on sagittal magnetic resonance images obtained in a previous study of 10 fresh-frozen cadaveric knees. The mean sagittal distance from the mid-PCL to the popliteal artery was 29.1 ±11 mm (range: 18-55 mm). The mean sagittal distance from the proximal PCL fovea to the popliteal artery was 9.7±5 mm (range: 3-16 mm). The results of this study provide the arthroscopist working in the posterior compartments of the knee with a more detailed knowledge of the anatomic relationship between the PCL and popliteal artery. This knowledge will help minimize the risk of iatrogenic vascular injury during arthroscopic knee surgery.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)181-185
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Knee Surgery
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jan 1 2006


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