Protein structure prediction using a combination of sequence homology and global energy minimization: II. Energy functions

Michael J. Dudek, K. Ramnarayan, Jay W. Ponder

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93 Scopus citations


A protein energy surface is constructed. Validation is through applications of global energy minimization to surface loops of protein crystal structures. For 9 of 10 predictions, the native backbone conformation is identified correctly. Electrostatic energy is modeled as a pairwise sum of interactions between anisotropic atomic charge densities. Model repulsion energy has a softness similar to that seen in ab initio data. Intrinsic torsional energy is modeled as a sum over pairs of adjacent torsion angles of 2-dimensional Fourier series. Hydrophobic energy is that of a hydration shell model. The remainder of hydration free energy is obtained as the energetic effect of a continuous dielectric medium. Parameters are adjusted to reproduce the following data: a complete set of ab initio energy surfaces, meaning one for each pair of adjacent torsion angles of each blocked amino acid; experimental crystal structures and sublimation energies for nine model compounds; ab initio energies over 1014 conformations of 15 small-molecule dimers; and experimental hydration free energies for 48 model compounds. All ab initio data is at the Hartree-Fock/6-31G* level.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)548-573
Number of pages26
JournalJournal of Computational Chemistry
Issue number5
StatePublished - Apr 15 1998


  • Atomic multipoles
  • Energy functions
  • Global energy minimization
  • Hydration free energy
  • Structure prediction
  • Surface loops


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