Presentation of Candida albicans and purified protein derivative soluble antigens by Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human lymphoblastoid B-cell lines

Pamela J. Reitnauer, Lawrence R. Brown, Jacquelyn A. Hank, Paul M. Sondel

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11 Scopus citations


Cells other than the macrophage can function as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). These class II-bearing accessory cells include dendritic cells, epidermal Langerhans cells, B cells, murine B-cell tumors, and human Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (EBV-LCL). We investigated the ability of EBV-LCL to present two soluble antigens, Candida albicans and purified protein derivative of tuberculin (PPD). The EBV-LCL derived from B cells of two different individuals can present both antigens to bulk cultures of autologous antigen-primed peripheral blood lymphocytes. The responses of PPD-reactive T-cell clones were weaker to PPD when presented by EBV-LCL than by PBL-APCs, with some clones responding only to PPD presented by PBL-APCs. This suggests that EBV-LCL are not equivalent to PEL monocytes in APC function, and that expression of class II major histocompatibility complex antigen is not sufficient in enabling antigen-presenting capability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)196-208
Number of pages13
JournalCellular Immunology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Apr 15 1986


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