Predicting outcome after listing for heart transplantation in children: Comparison of kaplan-meier and parametric competing risk analysis

D. C. McGiffin, D. C. Naftel, J. K. Kirklin, W. R. Morrow, J. Towbin, R. Shaddy, J. Alejos, A. Rossi, E. Frazier, K. Ainley, K. J. Heilman, D. K. Pacheao, R. Sterba, L. Latson, C. Fraser, R. Fitzgerald, L. Platt, R. S. Appleton, M. Kurbat, B. FriedmanF. J. Fricker, T. Fleeger, E. Pahl, P. Stapleton, W. S. Ring, M. Copeland, B. Clark, B. Sands, L. J. Addonizio, J. Douglas, D. Knauf, K. Harker, L. J. West, J. Gildner, R. L. Caldwell, T. Flaspohler, R. E. Chinnock, J. Johnston, S. Robie, M. Mullen, M. A. Laff, C. G.A. McGregor, P. Henke, S. Suddendorf, M. Timmons, W. Moskowitz, M. Flattery, A. Cabalka, M. O'Kane, F. Hoffman, N. Seimers, P. Bruhn, T. Reutzez, M. Courtney, M. D. Reller, R. Starling, C. Holt, E. Bullock, K. G. Zahka, D. Hanisch, C. Canter, S. Bash, C. E. Stubles, S. Faulkner, M. L. Stanstrom, D. Bernstein, P. Gamberg, J. Price, M. M. Boucek, C. Mashburn, M. Luna, D. Crowley, L. Callow, R. Boucek, S. Disano, D. A. Dodd, J. Burger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

106 Scopus citations


After listing for pediatric heart transplantation, at any point in time one of the following possibilities could have occurred; death, transplantation, removal from the list because of clinical improvement, or continuing to wait. In the setting of those competing outcomes, the Kaplan- Meier estimate portrays the time-relatedness of an event while ignoring the effect of the other possible outcomes. The competing outcomes method, however, depicts the time relatedness of an event while solving for all possible events simultaneously. The competing outcomes method may potentially provide more accurate information regarding the actual proportion of patients experiencing an outcome after listing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)713-722
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Heart and Lung Transplantation
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1997


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