
The adult kidney contains an endogenous side population (SP) and this population is shown to display lineage multipotentiality and a modest capacity to improve renal function when introduced into models of acute renal damage. However, the use of SP cells for renal therapy is currently far from feasible, with the greatest challenge being the identity of the cells themselves and their inherent heterogeneity. In the longer term, if the identity of these cells can be better established, it may be feasible to stimulate this endogenous SP fraction directly to repair the kidney from within. Alternatively, with increased understanding of the humoral activities of SP cells, it may be possible to mimic this process. Certainly, increasing understanding of the cells that display this dye-effluxing phenotype within the kidney, together with the information about the nature of the humoral response/s elicited by these and other cell sources during normal responses to acute damage, will continue to move the field towards methods for preventing progression or resolving chronic injury.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationRegenerative Nephrology
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9780123809285
StatePublished - Jan 1 2011


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