Pearls and Pitfalls of Imaging Small Bowel Obstruction

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a common condition encountered by radiologists in the evaluation of patients with abdominal pain, and is an important diagnosis to be comfortable with given substantial associated morbidity and mortality. In this review, we summarize an imaging approach to evaluating patients with suspected SBO, discuss the role of certain imaging modalities such as radiography and small bowel follow through, CT, and MRI, as well as review some common and also less common causes of SBO such as internal hernia. We will also discuss tailoring the imaging approach to address specific clinical questions and special patient populations such as imaging the pregnant patient with suspected SBO, and the inflammatory bowel disease patient.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)631-643
Number of pages13
JournalCanadian Association of Radiologists Journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - Aug 2024


  • abdominal imaging
  • bowel ischemia
  • bowel obstruction
  • gastrointestinal imaging
  • small bowel obstruction


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