Pancreatic Lipase-related Protein 2 Is the Major Colipase-Dependent Pancreatic Lipase in Suckling Mice

Dymphna D'Agostino, Mark E. Lowe

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27 Scopus citations


Suckling mice express colipase before the expression of pancreatic triglyceride lipase. Yet, efficient fat digestion in newborns requires colipase, suggesting that colipase may act as a cofactor for another lipase such as pancreatic lipase-related protein 2 (PLRP2). We determined whether PLRP2 or another lipase depends on colipase for maximal activity in newborn mice by analyzing extracts from the pancreas of 4-d-old colipase-deficient and PLRP2-deficient mice. Pancreatic extracts from colipase-deficient pups had lipase activity that was stimulated onefold by the addition of exogenous colipase (P < 0.001). The activity was completely inhibited by an anti-body against pancreatic triglyceride lipase that also recognizes PLRP2. In contrast, pancreatic extracts from PLRP2-deficient pups had significantly lower baseline activity and no colipase-dependent activity. The baseline activity was not inhibited by the anti-pancreatic triglyceride lipase anti-body or an antibody against carboxyl ester lipase. We next separated the extracts into two fractions, one containing PLRP2 and the other devoid of PLRP2. All of the colipase-dependent activity segregated with the PLRP2-containing fraction, consistent with the conclusion that PLRP2 is the major colipase-dependent lipase in the pancreas of newborns.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)132-134
Number of pages3
JournalJournal of Nutrition
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2004


  • Colipase
  • Dietary fat
  • Newborns
  • Nutrition


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