Outcomes in adolescents and young adults with Hodgkin lymphoma treated on US cooperative group protocols: An adult intergroup (E2496) and Children's Oncology Group (COG AHOD0031) comparative analysis
Tara O. Henderson, Susan K. Parsons, Kristen E. Wroblewski, Lu Chen, Fangxin Hong, Sonali M. Smith, Jennifer L. McNeer, Ranjana H. Advani, Randy D. Gascoyne, Louis S. Constine, Sandra Horning, Nancy L. Bartlett, Bijal Shah, Joseph M. Connors, John I. Leonard, Brad S. Kahl, Kara M. Kelly, Cindy L. Schwartz, Hongli Li, Jonathan W. FriedbergDebra L. Friedman, Leo I. Gordon, Andrew M. Evens
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