Orthotopic liver transplantation for life-threatening veno-occlusive disease of the liver after allogeneic bone marrow transplant

A. P. Rapoport, H. R. Doyle, T. Starzl, J. M. Rowe, T. Doeblin, J. F. DiPersio

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

63 Scopus citations


Veno-occlusive disease (VOD) of the liver is a serious and often lethal sequela to bone marrow transplantation. Although a history of prior hepatitis moderately increases the risk of VOD, reliable screening methods for identifying high risk patients are not available. New approaches to managing patients who develop serious VOD are needed. One approach may be the use of orthotopic liver transplantation in selected patients who are likely to die of the disease. In this report we describe a patient who underwent liver transplantation for life threatening VOD following allogeneic transplantation for CML. Although this patient died early from interstitial pneumonitis, the orthotopic liver functioned well up to her death. Other reports describing successful liver transplants in patients with advanced VOD or graft-versus-host disease of the liver are discussed and the possible indications for liver transplantation for VOD after marrow transplantation are considered. Taken together, these reports suggest that orthotopic liver transplantation may be a feasible and potentially effective approach to managing select patients with life-threatening liver dysfunction after marrow transplantation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)421-424
Number of pages4
JournalBone Marrow Transplantation
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1991


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