Obstetric anesthesia management of the patient with cardiac disease

K. W. Arendt, K. J. Lindley

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of maternal mortality in much of the developed world. Risk stratification models can predict which patients are at greatest risk for maternal or fetal morbidity or mortality. Particular cardiac diseases hold significant risk of mortality during pregnancy including pulmonary hypertension, aortic aneurysm, left-ventricular outflow tract obstruction, and severe cardiomyopathy. High-risk patients should deliver at high-resource hospitals under the care of experts in cardiology, obstetrics, perinatology, neonatology and anesthesiology. The obstetric anesthesiologist should formulate delivery plans for cardiac monitoring, labor analgesia, cesarean anesthesia, postpartum monitoring, as well as plans for obstetric or cardiac emergencies. Carefully co-ordinated multidisciplinary care of pregnant women with cardiac disease can result in successful outcomes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)73-85
Number of pages13
JournalInternational Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia
StatePublished - Feb 2019


  • Cardiac disease
  • Cesarean delivery
  • Obstetric analgesia
  • Obstetric anesthesia
  • Pregnancy


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