Novel region of interest interrogation technique for diffusion tensor imaging analysis in the canine brain

Jonathan Y. Li, Dana M. Middleton, Steven Chen, Leonard White, N. Matthew Ellinwood, Patricia Dickson, Charles Vite, Allison Bradbury, James M. Provenzale

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4 Scopus citations


Purpose We describe a novel technique for measuring diffusion tensor imaging metrics in the canine brain. We hypothesized that a standard method for region of interest placement could be developed that is highly reproducible, with less than 10% difference in measurements between raters. Methods Two sets of canine brains (three seven-week-old full-brains and two 17-week-old single hemispheres) were scanned ex-vivo on a 7T small-animal magnetic resonance imaging system. Strict region of interest placement criteria were developed and then used by two raters to independently measure diffusion tensor imaging metrics within four different white-matter regions within each specimen. Average values of fractional anisotropy, radial diffusivity, and the three eigenvalues (λ1, λ2, and λ3) within each region in each specimen overall and within each individual image slice were compared between raters by calculating the percentage difference between raters for each metric. Results The mean percentage difference between raters for all diffusion tensor imaging metrics when pooled by each region and specimen was 1.44% (range: 0.01-5.17%). The mean percentage difference between raters for all diffusion tensor imaging metrics when compared by individual image slice was 2.23% (range: 0.75-4.58%) per hemisphere. Conclusion Our results indicate that the technique described is highly reproducible, even when applied to canine specimens of differing age, morphology, and image resolution. We propose this technique for future studies of diffusion tensor imaging analysis in canine brains and for cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of canine brain models of human central nervous system disease.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)339-346
Number of pages8
JournalNeuroradiology Journal
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 1 2017


  • Diffusion tensor imaging
  • canine model
  • interrogation technique
  • magnetic resonance
  • region of interest
  • reproducibility


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