New method for the discrimination of single-source events in heavy-ion collisions

P. Désesquelles, A. M. Maskay, P. Lautesse, A. Demeyer, E. Gerlic, D. Guinet, M. Stern, J. L. Laville, G. Auger, Ch O. Bacri, L. Beaulieu, N. Bellaize, F. Bocage, B. Borderie, R. Bougault, B. Bouriquet, R. Brou, P. Buchet, J. Colin, N. De CesareD. Doré, D. Durand, J. D. Frankland, P. Gagne, E. Galichet, E. Genouin-Duhamel, M. Germain, S. Hudan, R. Laforest, F. Lavaud, J. F. Lecolley, C. Leduc, R. Legrain, N. Le Neindre, O. Lopez, M. Louvel, L. Nalpas, J. Normand, M. Pârlog, M. F. Rivet, E. Rosato, R. Roy, F. Saint-Laurent, J. C. Steckmeyer, G. Tǎbǎcaru, B. Tamain, L. Tassan-Got, O. Tirel, E. Vient, M. Vigilante, C. Volant, J. P. Wieleczko

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22 Scopus citations


This paper introduces a new method for the selection of central single-source events, based on classical multivariate techniques. The resulting discriminating variable is shown to be valid for different hypotheses on the nuclear source deexcitation mechanism. It enables the selection of events which are representative of the whole set of single-source events. Application to the Ni+Ni at 32A MeV system measured with the INDRA multidetector has allowed the determination of the fusion probability as a function of the impact parameter and the evaluation of the corresponding cross section.

Original languageEnglish
Article number024614
Pages (from-to)246141-246148
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 2000


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