
Objectives: Fear of falling (FoF) is common and associated with poorer functional outcomes after hip fracture. We sought to differentiate patterns of FoF at 4 and 12 weeks after surgical repair for hip fracture and examine predictors of FoF. Methods/design: Secondary analysis of existing data from a 52-week prospective study examining recovery after hip fracture. Participants (N = 263) were aged 60 and older with recent hip fracture recruited from eight hospitals. FoF was measured 4 and 12 weeks postfracture with the Short Falls Efficacy Scale-International. Latent class mixed models were constructed to identify distinct patterns of FoF from 4 to 12 weeks postfracture and predictors of FoF. Predictors examined included age, gender, neuroticism, depression, negative affect, perceived social support, medical comorbidity, functional ability, cognition, and pain. Results: Three latent classes of FoF were identified: a group with minimal FoF at weeks 4 and 12 (72%), a group with high FoF that decreased (17%), and a group with high FoF that increased from week 4 to 12 (11%). In a multivariate model, higher neuroticism was associated with greater risk for high FoF (increasing or decreasing), whereas higher premorbid medical comorbidity was associated with increasing FoF, poorer premorbid functional ability was associated with decreasing FoF, and social support was not significantly associated. Conclusions: Older adults with higher neuroticism are more likely to have FoF in the first 12 weeks after a hip fracture. Screening for neuroticism in health care settings might identify individuals who would benefit from interventions to improve outcomes during recovery.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)498-506
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 2020


  • Falls Efficacy Scale International
  • falls
  • fear of falling
  • femoral fractures
  • hip fracture
  • intertrochanteric fractures
  • neuroticism
  • personality


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