
The chapter describes the traditional classification of nerve injuries as well as a clinical grouping of nerve injuries according to mechanisms of the injury. This grouping of open versus closed and crush versus traction/avulsion versus penetrating injuries has implication on severity of associated soft tissue and bony injury, impacts diagnosis and timing of surgical versus nonsurgical treatment, and provides guidance to the peripheral nerve surgeon about realistic expectation of recovery. The preoperative adjunct studies are reviewed and their usefulness in the different injury patterns. The chapter includes the appropriate use of newer products such as decellularized human nerve allografts, biodegradable conduits and wraps, as well as the treatment of neuromas and a guideline for treatment of complex regional pain syndrome. Specifics on nerve repair techniques, usefulness of pre- and postoperative imaging and electrical studies and their role in the assessment of the nerve injury and/or recovery, and therapy modalities to assist in the recovery are also covered.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPlastic Surgery - Principles and Practice
Number of pages23
ISBN (Electronic)9780323653817
StatePublished - Jan 1 2021


  • Classification
  • Nerve grafting
  • Nerve injury
  • Nerve transfers
  • Neuroma
  • Surgery
  • Technology
  • Treatment


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