
Nerve crush is a commonly used experimental model in the rat; however, a standard method of inducing this injury has not been defined. This study examined six crush techniques that are frequently used and characterized the subsequent nerve injury. Five types of nerve crush using a No. 5 jeweler’s forceps and a sixth using a 30-s single crush with a serrated hemostat were studied in the posterior tibial nerve of the Lewis rat. Regeneration was evaluated using serial walking track assessments at 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks postoperatively. Nerve conduction studies and histological examination were performed at 2 days, 2 weeks, and 8 weeks. Blood-nerve barrier breakdown was observed at 2 days and recovered by 2 weeks. By 4 weeks normal walking track patterns were obtained in all groups. A pattern of Wallerian degeneration and axonal regeneration was noted at 2 weeks, with histological recovery in all groups by 8 weeks. Nerve crush, induced by any of the six methods tested, was similar and provides a reliable model of axonotmesis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)284-290
Number of pages7
JournalExperimental Neurology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jun 1994


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