Neonatal respiratory distress secondary to bilateral intranasal dacryocystocoeles

David S. Leonard, Michael O'Keefe, Helena Rowley, Joseph P. Hughes

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29 Scopus citations


Obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct is a common congenital abnormality reported in up to 84% of neonatal patients [J. Yohendran, A.C. Wignall, E.J. Beckenham, Bilateral congenital dacryocystocoeles with concurrent intranasal mucocoeles causing respiratory distress in a neonate, Asian J. Surg. 29 (2) (2006) 109-111; M.J. Cunningham, J.J. Woog, Endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy in children, Arch. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 124 (1998) 328-333; D. Guery, E.L. Kendig, Congenital impotency of the nasolacrimal duct, Arch. Ophthalmol. 97 (1979) 1656-1658]. Rarely, obstruction results in the development of an intranasal lacrimal duct cyst, or dacryocystocoele, which arises inferolateral to the inferior turbinate [H.R. Jin, S.O. Shin, Endoscopic marsupialisation of bilateral lacrimal sac mucoceles with nasolacrimal duct cysts, Auris Nasus Larynx 26 (1999) 441-445]. These lesions can cause nasal obstruction and, when bilateral, significant respiratory compromise. We present the case of a 3-day-old infant with bilateral intranasal lacrimal duct cysts causing nasal obstruction and intermittent respiratory compromise. The diagnosis was suspected on clinical examination and confirmed on MRI. The patient was successfully managed by bilateral endoscopic marsupialisation and probing of the nasolacrimal ducts. We also present a review of the literature surrounding investigation and management of intranasal lacrimal duct cysts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1873-1877
Number of pages5
JournalInternational Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2008


  • Dacryocystocoele
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Neonatal
  • Respiratory distress


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