Neither Residual Anterior Knee Laxity Up to 6 mm nor a Pivot Glide Predict Patient-Reported Outcome Scores or Subsequent Knee Surgery Between 2 and 6 Years After ACL Reconstruction

MOON Knee Group

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Background: A primary goal of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is to reduce pathologically increased anterior and rotational laxity of the knee, but the effects of residual laxity on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) after ACLR remain unclear. Hypothesis: Increased residual laxity at 2 years postoperatively is predictive of a higher risk of subsequent ipsilateral knee surgery and decreases in PRO scores from 2 to 6 years after surgery. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2. Methods: From a prospective multicenter cohort, 433 patients aged <36 years were identified at a minimum 2 years after primary ACLR. These patients underwent a KT-1000 arthrometer assessment and pivot-shift test and completed PRO assessments with the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score and International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC) scores. Patients completed the same PROs at 6 years postoperatively, and any subsequent ipsilateral knee procedures during this period were recorded. Subsequent surgery risk and change in PROs from 2 to 6 years postoperatively were compared based on residual side-to-side KT-1000 arthrometer differences (<−1 mm, −1 to 2 mm, 2 to 6 mm, and >6 mm) in laxity at 2 years postoperatively. Multiple linear regression models were built to determine the relationship between 2-year postoperative knee laxity and 2- to 6-year change in PROs while controlling for age, sex, body mass index, smoking status, meniscal and cartilage status, and graft type. Results: A total of 381 patients (87.9%) were available for follow-up 6 years postoperatively. There were no significant differences in risk of subsequent knee surgery based on residual knee laxity. Patients with a difference >6 mm in side-to-side anterior laxity at 2 years postoperatively were noted to have a larger decrease in PROs from 2 to 6 years postoperatively (P <.05). No significant differences in any PROs were noted among patients with a difference <6 mm in side-to-side anterior laxity or those with pivot glide (IKDC B) versus no pivot shift (IKDC A). Conclusion: The presence of a residual side-to-side KT-1000 arthrometer difference <6 mm or pivot glide at 2 years after ACLR is not associated with an increased risk of subsequent ipsilateral knee surgery or decreased PROs up to 6 years after ACLR. Conversely, patients exhibiting a difference >6 mm in side-to-side anterior laxity were noted to have significantly decreased PROs at 6 years after ACLR.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2631-2637
Number of pages7
JournalAmerican Journal of Sports Medicine
Issue number10
StatePublished - Aug 2021


  • anterior cruciate ligament
  • knee laxity
  • patient-reported outcomes
  • reconstruction


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