
To minimize the problem with scattering in deep tissues while increasing the penetration depth, we explored the feasibility of imaging in the relatively unexplored extended near infrared (exNIR) spectral region at 900 to 1400nm with endogenous chromophores. This region, also known as the second NIR window, is weakly dominated by absorption from water and lipids and is free from other endogenous chromophores with virtually no autofluorescence. To demonstrate the applicability of the exNIR for bioimaging, we analyzed the optical properties of individual components and biological tissues using an InGaAs spectrophotometer and a multispectral InGaAs scanning imager featuring transmission geometry. Based on the differences in spectral properties of tissues, we utilized ratiometric approaches to extract spectral characteristics from the acquired three-dimensional "datacube". The obtained images of an exNIR transmission through a mouse head revealed sufficient details consistent with anatomical structures.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101318
JournalJournal of biomedical optics
Issue number10
StatePublished - 2013


  • extended near infrared multispectral imaging endogenous chromophores water lipids


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