Methyl group turnover on methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins during chemotaxis by Bacillus subtilis

M. S. Thoelke, J. M. Casper, G. W. Ordal

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20 Scopus citations


The addition of attractant to Bacillus subtilis briefly exposed to radioactive methionine causes an increase of labeling of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. The addition of attractant to cells radiolabeled for longer times shows no change in the extent of methylation. Therefore, the increase in labeling for the briefly labeled cells is due to an increased turnover of methyl groups caused by attractant. All amino acids gave enhanced turnover. This turnover lasted for a prolonged time, probably spanning the period of smooth swimming caused by the attractant addition. Repellent did not affect the turnover when added alone or simultaneously with attractant. Thus, for amino acid attractants, the turnover is probably the excitatory signal, which is seen to extend long into or throughout the adaptation period, not just at the start of it.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1928-1932
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Biological Chemistry
Issue number4
StatePublished - Feb 5 1990


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