Measurements of Ultrasonic Attenuation Properties of Midgestational Fetal Pig Hearts

Allyson A. Gibson, Gautam K. Singh, Joseph J. Hoffman, Achiau Ludomirsky, Mark R. Holland

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


The objectives of this study were to measure the relative attenuation properties of the left and right ventricles in fetal pig hearts and to compare the spatial variation in attenuation measurements with those observed in previously published backscatter measurements. Approximately 1.0-mm-thick, short-axis slices of excised, formalin-fixed heart were examined from 15 midgestational fetal pigs using a 50-MHz single-element transducer. Measurements of the attenuation properties demonstrate regional differences in the left and right ventricular myocardium that appear consistent with the previously reported regional differences in apparent integrated backscatter measurements of the same fetal pig hearts. For regions of perpendicular insonification relative to the myofiber orientation, the right ventricular free wall showed larger values for the slope of the attenuation coefficient from 30-60 MHz (1.48 ± 0.22 dB/(cm·MHz) (mean ± SD) and attenuation coefficient at 45 MHz (46.3 ± 7.3 dB/cm [mean ± SD]) than the left ventricular free wall (1.18 ± 0.24 dB/(cm·MHz) and 37.0 ± 7.9 dB/cm (mean ± SD) for slope of attenuation coefficient and attenuation coefficient at 45 MHz, respectively). This attenuation study supports the hypothesis that intrinsic differences in the myocardium of the left and right ventricles exist in fetal pig hearts at midgestation. (E-mail: [email protected]).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)319-328
Number of pages10
JournalUltrasound in Medicine and Biology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2009


  • Attenuation coefficient
  • Fetal echocardiography
  • Heart
  • High-frequency ultrasound
  • Myocardium
  • Slope of attenuation coefficient
  • Tissue characterization


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