Management Options for Congenitally Corrected Transposition: Which, When, and for Whom?

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3 Scopus citations


Management strategies for congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA) historically consisted of a physiologic repair, resulting in the morphologic right ventricle (mRV) supporting systemic circulation. This strategy persisted despite the development of heart failure by middle age because of the reasonable short-term outcomes, and the natural history of some patients with favorable anatomy (felt to demonstrate the mRV's ability to function in the long-term), and due to the less-than-optimal outcomes associated with anatomical repair. As outcomes with anatomical repair improved, and the long-term risk of systemic mRV dysfunction became apparent, more have begun to realize its advantages. In addition to the decision on whether or not to pursue anatomical repair, and the optimal timing, studies demonstrating the nuance to morphologic left ventricle retraining have demonstrated its feasibility. Further considerations in ccTGA have begun to be better understood, including: the management of a poorly functioning mRV, systemic tricuspid valve regurgitation, the utility of morphologic left ventricle outflow tract obstruction (native or surgically created) and pacing strategies. While some considerations are apparent: biventricular pacing is superior to univentricular, tricuspid regurgitation must be managed early with either progression towards anatomical repair (pulmonary artery banding if needed for retraining) or tricuspid replacement (not repair) based on the patient's age; others remain to be completely elucidated. Overall, the heterogeneity of ccTGA, as well as the unique presentation with each patient regarding ventricular and valvular function and center-to-center variability in management strategies has made the interpretation of published data difficult. That said, more recent long-term outcomes favor anatomical repair in most situations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-47
Number of pages10
JournalPediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual
StatePublished - Jan 2022


  • Anatomical repair
  • Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA)
  • Pacing strategies
  • Physiologic repair
  • Pulmonary artery banding
  • Tricuspid valve


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