Management of Biofilm with Breast Implant Surgery

Terence M. Myckatyn, Jesus M. Duran Ramirez, Jennifer N. Walker, Blake M. Hanson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Learning Objectives: After studying this article, the participant should be able to: 1. Understand how bacteria negatively impact aesthetic and reconstructive breast implants. 2. Understand how bacteria infect breast implants. 3. Understand the evidence associated with common implant infection-prevention strategies, and their limitations. 4. Understand why implementation of bacteria-mitigation strategies such as antibiotic administration or "no-Touch" techniques may not indefinitely prevent breast implant infection. Summary: Bacterial infection of aesthetic and reconstructive breast implants is a common and expensive problem. Subacute infections or chronic capsular contractures leading to device explantation are the most commonly documented sequelae. Although bench and translational research underscores the complexities of implant-Associated infection, high-quality studies with adequate power, control groups, and duration of follow-up are lacking. Common strategies to minimize infections use antibiotics-administered systemically, in the breast implant pocket, or by directly bathing the implant before insertion-to limit bacterial contamination. Limiting contact between the implant and skin or breast parenchyma represents an additional common strategy. The clinical prevention of breast implant infection is challenged by the clean-contaminated nature of breast parenchyma, and the variable behavior of not only specific bacterial species but also their strains. These factors impact bacterial virulence and antibiotic resistance.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)919E-942E
JournalPlastic and reconstructive surgery
Issue number5
StatePublished - Nov 1 2023


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