Major depression symptom severity associations with willingness to exert effort and patch foraging strategy

Laura A. Bustamante, Deanna M. Barch, Johanne Solis, Temitope Oshinowo, Ivan Grahek, Anna B. Konova, Nathaniel D. Daw, Jonathan D. Cohen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background Individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) can experience reduced motivation and cognitive function, leading to challenges with goal-directed behavior. When selecting goals, people maximize 'expected value' by selecting actions that maximize potential reward while minimizing associated costs, including effort 'costs' and the opportunity cost of time. In MDD, differential weighing of costs and benefits are theorized mechanisms underlying changes in goal-directed cognition and may contribute to symptom heterogeneity. Methods We used the Effort Foraging Task to quantify cognitive and physical effort costs, and patch leaving thresholds in low effort conditions (reflecting perceived opportunity cost of time) and investigated their shared versus distinct relationships to clinical features in participants with MDD (N = 52, 43 in-episode) and comparisons (N = 27). Results Contrary to our predictions, none of the decision-making measures differed with MDD diagnosis. However, each of the measures was related to symptom severity, over and above effects of ability (i.e. performance). Greater anxiety symptoms were selectively associated with lower cognitive effort cost (i.e. greater willingness to exert effort). Anhedonia and behavioral apathy were associated with increased physical effort costs. Finally, greater overall depression was related to decreased patch leaving thresholds. Conclusions Markers of effort-based decision-making may inform understanding of MDD heterogeneity. Increased willingness to exert cognitive effort may contribute to anxiety symptoms such as worry. Decreased leaving threshold associations with symptom severity are consistent with reward rate-based accounts of reduced vigor in MDD. Future research should address subtypes of depression with or without anxiety, which may relate differentially to cognitive effort decisions.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPsychological medicine
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • anxiety
  • cognitive control
  • computational psychiatry
  • effort-based decision-making
  • foraging
  • major depressive disorder
  • physical effort


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