Lung-volume reduction surgery for severe emphysema

J. D. Cooper, G. A. Patterson

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

94 Scopus citations


The lung-volume reduction procedure is a palliative one, designed to relieve dyspnea, and improve the patient's ability to carry out routine activities of daily living without significant limitations. The rationale for this procedure and its development are discussed. In addition, patient selection, operative technique, postoperative care, results, and complications are considered. Ultimately, the value of lung-volume reduction surgery will be determined by the balance between the magnitude and duration of benefit achieved on the one hand versus the morbidity and mortality produced on the other.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)815-831
Number of pages17
JournalChest Surgery Clinics of North America
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 1 1995


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