Longitudinal morphological and functional characterization of human heart organoids using optical coherence tomography

Yixuan Ming, Senyue Hao, Fei Wang, Yonatan R. Lewis-Israeli, Brett D. Volmert, Zhiyao Xu, Anna Goestenkors, Aitor Aguirre, Chao Zhou

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31 Scopus citations


Organoids play an increasingly important role as in vitro models for studying organ development, disease mechanisms, and drug discovery. Organoids are self-organizing, organ-like three-dimensional (3D) cell cultures developing organ-specific cell types and functions. Recently, three groups independently developed self-assembling human heart organoids (hHOs) from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). In this study, we utilized a customized spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) system to characterize the growth of hHOs. Development of chamber structures and beating patterns of the hHOs were observed via OCT and calcium imaging. We demonstrated the capability of OCT to produce 3D images in a fast, label-free, and non-destructive manner. The hHOs formed cavities of various sizes, and complex interconnections were observed as early as on day 4 of differentiation. The hHOs models and the OCT imaging system showed promising insights as an in vitro platform for investigating heart development and disease mechanisms.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114136
JournalBiosensors and Bioelectronics
StatePublished - Jul 1 2022


  • Chambers
  • Heart organoids
  • Optical coherence tomography
  • hPSC


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