
Human liver fatty acid binding protein is a 127 residue cytoplasmic protein synthesized in liver and in the intestinal epithelium. Previous studies of normal and transgenic mice indicated that the liver fatty acid-binding protein gene is a sensitive marker of enterocytic differentiation. This study shows the use of immunohistochemical methods to examine liver fatty acid-binding protein gene expression in normal human colonic epithelium, colonic villoglandular adenomas, nonmucinous and mucinous adenocarcinomas, and several types of noncolonic epithelial neoplasms. Cells containing liver fatty acid-binding protein were found in normal colonic epithelium, in two thirds of colorectal villoglandular adenomas and nonmucinous adenocarcinomas, and in one third of mucinous adenocarcinomas but not in noncolonic, nonhepatic carcinomas. All liver fatty acid-binding protein-positive colonic adenomas and adenocarcinomas contained patches of immunoreactive cells distributed among histologically identical patches of cells without liver fatty acid-binding protein immunoreactivity. This "mosaicism" was also found in metastases from liver fatty acid-binding protein-positive colonic adenocarcinomas. Immunostaining of these liver fatty acid-binding protein-positive tissues for carcinoembryonic antigen did not show a mosaic cellular pattern in its expression. These data suggest that within a given neoplasm, differences exist in the differentiation programs of monoclonallyderived, malignant colonic epithelial cells and that liver fatty acid-binding protein is a useful marker for operationally defining these subpopulations. Liver fatty acid-binding protein is also a potentially useful diagnostic marker for colorectal and hepatic carcinomas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1727-1735
Number of pages9
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 1990


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